Friday, August 28, 2015

A few ideas for French pronunciation

Some parents have asked how to pronounce words in French. You could see this link, it's a (short) dictionary for children :

On this one, you have also many pronunciations and translations...:

Sunday, August 23, 2015

New words :
Lisez!  Read!
Chantez!  Sing!
Montrez!  Show!
Ecoutez! Listen!
Regardez! Look!
Mimez! Mime!
Parlez! Speak!

New words for Kindergartner:
Comment ça va?        How are you doing?
ça va très bien           I am doing very well
ça va bien                   I am doing well 
ça va comme comme ça     I am ok
ça ne va pas      I am not ok         

 Our song this week and next week :

Bonjour, Bonsoir      Good morning, Good night

Quand on dit "bonjour",    When we say “Good morning”/ “Hello”,
Quand on dit "bonsoir",   When we say “Good night”    
On lèv' son chapeau,           We rise our hat,      
On s'fait un bécot                           We give a kiss,
On se serre la main,          We shake hands,   
On prend son mouchoir    We grab our tissue,      

On dit "à demain"               We say « See you tomorrow »
On dit "au revoir".             We say Good bye

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Our song this week :
 "J’ai un nom, un prénom,
Deux yeux, un nez, un menton,
Pour continuer ma chanson
Dis-moi, dis-moi ton prénom…"

Comment tu t’appelles ?
Je m’appelle…

Translation :
“ I have a last name, a first name
Two eyes, one nose, one chin,
To finish my song
Tell me, tell me your first name…”

What’s your name?

My name is…

Other words : Bonjour (Hello), Au revoir (Bye)

Sunday, August 9, 2015


I am very excited to start developing our French program at Archway Lincoln! I will be working with our youngest students in kindergarten, in first, in second an in third grade. Each student will have a forty minute long French class twice per week. Classes will be taught in the immersion method--French only. Proven effective, children quickly become accustomed to French sounds and words, and will be engaged in fun activities that make the new language feel natural. These include songs, games, coloring, stories, skits, and TPR (Total Physical Response--physical imitation and response to verbal commands.) The goals of the French program at Archway Lincoln are to help the students  to become comfortable with and enjoy learning another language; build phrases, using simple vocabulary and  grammar, which will help them in their future language studies; and appreciate the  many cultures of France and the French-speaking world. The topics we will cover this year include greetings and expressions of courtesy, verbal commands, school, calendar, colors, numbers,  family, house,  animals, and weather. I look forward to introducing your students to the world of French! Please feel free to contact me with any questions that might arise throughout the year.

Merci beaucoup!

Madame Denamiel