Friday, September 25, 2015

Week 7 (September, 21st  to 25th ) : This week, we learned…

Kindergarten :
Colors : Orange (orange), Noir (black), Blanc (White), Violet (purple)
Song :
« ça y est, j’suis grand ( I’m now big)
Je m’en vais à l’école (I go  to school)
Sans ma Maman, (without my mum)
Mais qu’est-ce qu’on rigole ! ((but how we laugh)
Je vais apprendre à lire et à écrire, (I will learn to read and to write)
Je vais comprendre, rire et bien grandir… (I will understand, laugh and grow)
Je prends mon cartable, je prends mon cahier, je prends mes crayon, je prends mon goûter, je prends mes chaussures, je prends mon manteau, je prends mon bonnet. (I take my backpack, I take my notebook, I take my pencils, I take my snack, I take my shoes, I take my coat, I take my hat).»

Song : “Frère Jacques” (Brother John)

1st grade :
Colors : Orange (orange), Noir (black), Blanc (White), Violet (purple)
Shapes : Carré (square), Rectangle (rectangle), Cercle (circle), Triangle (triangle)
Song : “Frère Jacques” (Brother John)

2nd  grade:
Colors : Orange (orange), Noir (black), Blanc (White), Violet (purple)
Shapes : Carré (square), Rectangle (rectangle), Cercle (circle), Triangle (triangle)

Homework due on Monday, September 28th : Find the color, write it, color on the document (Last one is : M… = MARRON (Brown))
Homework due on Thursday, October 1st : Go to this link with Dad and Mum, and listen, then try to sing with the singer all the things you  know, and tell your teacher what it is :

3rd  grade:
Colors : Orange (orange), Noir (black), Blanc (White), Violet (purple)
Shapes : Carré (square), Rectangle (rectangle), Cercle (circle), Triangle (triangle)
Song :
“Bleu, jaune, vert, ma toupie, elle tourne, elle tourne,
 (Blue, yellow, green, my spinning-top, it spins, it spins)
Bleu, jaune, vert, ma toupie, elle tourne, c’est très joli
(Blue, yellow, green, my spinning-top, it spins, it’s very pretty)
Bleu, rouge, violet, ma toupie, elle tourne, elle tourne,
(Blue, red, purple, my spinning-top, it spins, it spins)
Bleu, rouge, violet, ma toupie, elle tourne, c’est très joli
(Blue, red, purple, my spinning-top, it spins, it’s very pretty)
Rouge, jaune, orange, ma toupie, elle tourne, elle tourne,
(Red, yellow, orange, my spinning-top, it spins, it spins)
Rouge, jaune, orange, ma toupie, elle tourne, et c’est fini
(Red, yellow, orange, my spinning-top, it spins, and now it’s done).

Homework due on Tuesday, September 29th : Find the color, write it, color on the document (Last one is : M… = MARRON (Brown))

Homework due on Friday, October 2nd: Link sentence and picture  : Elle peint (She paints) ; il court (he runs) ; Marie, elle apprend le français (she learns French) ; Il chante (he sings) ; elle téléphone (she calls) ; il saute (he jumps).

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