Friday, February 5, 2016

Week 23 and 24 (February, 1st to February, 12th):

 This week, we learned…

Kindergarten :
We reviewed the 12 body parts we learned last weeks (la tête (head), les épaules (shoulders), les genoux (knees), les pieds (feet), les yeux (eyes), les oreilles (ears), la bouche (mouth), le nez (nose), le cou (neck), les mains (hands), les jambs (legs), le dos (back) ) and we learned 4 new ones :les bras (arms), la poitrine (chest), les hanches (hips), les orteils.
We added a third verse to our song “Tête, épaule et genoux-pieds” : “J’ai deux bras, une poitrine, deux hanches et dix orteils » (I have two arms, a chest, two hips and ten toes).

Here is a link if you want to sing “Head, shoulder…” with your child:
Here is a link if you want to sing the alphabet song with your child :

1st grade :
We started to learn what we like at school with the following sentences : “J’aime (I like)… aller à l’école (to go to school), singing (chanter), être avec des copains (to be with friends (boys)), être avec des copines (to be with friends (girls)), compter (counting), dessiner (drawing), reciter des poésies (reciting poems), faire du sport (doing sports), lire (reading).”

Here is a link if you want to count from 1 to 20 with your child:

2nd  grade:
We started to learn what we like at school with the following sentences : “J’aime (I like)… aller à l’école (to go to school), singing (chanter), être avec des copains (to be with friends (boys)), être avec des copines (to be with friends (girls)), compter (counting), dessiner (drawing), reciter des poésies (reciting poems), faire du sport (doing sports), lire (reading).”

Homework due on Monday, February 8th: Complete the document writing “J’aime” (I like”) or “Je n’aime pas”(I don’t like) for each picture.
Homework due on Thursday, February 18th: Choose three things you like or you don’t like at school and write: “J’aime…” (for example, “J’aime faire du sport” ; “J’aime lire”…) or « Je n’aime pas… »(for example : « Je n’aime pas dessiner »)

3rd  grade:
We continued learning what we like at school in depth using the following sentences : “J’aime (I like)/ Je n’aime  pas(I do not like)… aller à l’école (to go to school), singing (chanter), être avec des copains (to be with friends (boys)), être avec des copines (to be with friends (girls)), compter (counting), dessiner (drawing), reciter des poésies (reciting poems), faire du sport (doing sports), lire (reading).”

Homework due on Tuesday, February 16th: Complete speech bubbles (document).
Homework due on Friday, February 19th : Learn 3 sentences you made about what you like and you don't like at school in order to answer the question : "What do you like to do at school?"(Qu'est-ce que tu aimes faire à l'école?)

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