Friday, December 11, 2015

Week 17 (December, 7th to December, 11th):  

This week, we learned…

Kindergarten :
We finished studying “Little Red Riding Hood”. We worked on memorizing each known word in the story, and finally, we put pictures of the story in the right order.
We  continued learning the song : “Fais dodo, Colas mon p’tit frère”.
Here is the link if your children want to listen and watch it :

1st grade :
We sang the days of the week : “Lundi , Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi , Dimanche (bis)”.
We started learning to count until 20.

2nd  grade:
We sang the days of the week : “Lundi , Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi , Dimanche (bis)”.
We made a telephone, colored it and had phone conversations in French!
Homework due on Monday, December 14th: Memorize the poem “S’il te plaît”.
No homework due on Thursday, December 17th.

“S’il te plaît”
S’il te plaît, mon amie Alice,
Prête-moi, prête-moi,
Des ciseaux, un taille-crayon,
Une gomme et un crayon. 
J’ai oublié ma trousse et mon cartable.
Merci, mon amie.
Tu es formidable!»
Please, my friend Alice,
Lend me, lend me,
Scissors, a pencil sharpener,
An eraser and a pencil.
I forgot my pencil box and my backpack.
Thank you, my friend.
You are great!)

3rd  grade:
We continued studying days of the week and we started learning to count until 20.

Homework due on Tuesday, December 15th: Memorize the poem “S’il te plaît”.
No homework due on Friday, December 18th.

“S’il te plaît”
S’il te plaît, mon amie Alice,
Prête-moi, prête-moi,
Des ciseaux, un taille-crayon,
Une gomme et un crayon. 
J’ai oublié ma trousse et mon cartable.
Merci, mon amie.
Tu es formidable!»
Please, my friend Alice,
Lend me, lend me,
Scissors, a pencil sharpener,
An eraser and a pencil.
I forgot my pencil box and my backpack.
Thank you, my friend.

You are great!)

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