Friday, January 8, 2016

Week 19 (January, 6th to January, 8th):

 BONNE ANNEE! (Happy New Year!)

This week, we learned…

Kindergarten :
We started to learn French alphabet and we sang the alphabet song.
Here is a link if you want to sing it with your child:

1st grade :
We reviewed, completed, spelled verbs and sang the “action” song “Mes petites mains”. We glued the song in our notebook.

“Mes p’tites mains dessinent, dessinent! Elles dessinent en haut, elles dessinent en bas, elles dessinent à gauche, elles dessinent à droite » (My little hands draw, draw ! They draw up, they draw down, they draw on the left, they draw on the right).
 Every time, we change the verb and we sing and mime a different action.

2nd  grade:
We reviewed the days of the week in order to be ready for the test next week, and we analyzed numbers (roots and pronunciation), and started to count to 20.

Homework due on Monday, January 11th: Memorize the days of the week (order): LUNDI, MARDI, MERCREDI, JEUDI, VENDREDI, SAMEDI, DIMANCHE.
Homework due on Thursday, January 14th: Complete the document “Write the numbers in the correct places”.

3rd  grade:
We reviewed the days of the week in order to be ready for the test next week, and we continued learning to count to 20.

Homework due on Tuesday, January 11th: Memorize the days of the week (order): LUNDI, MARDI, MERCREDI, JEUDI, VENDREDI, SAMEDI, DIMANCHE.
Homework due on Friday, January 15th: Complete the document “Write the numbers in the correct places”.

Week 18 (December, 14th to December, 18th):  JOYEUSES FETES! (Happy Holiday!)

 Kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd  grade, 3rd  grade :

This week, we learned a song and made a greeting card. We decorated the pine tree as it is told in the song.

Sur mon sapin (On my pine tree)
Sur mon sapin, oui ! (On my pine tree, yes!)
Sur mon sapin, oui ! (On my pine tree, yes !)
J'ai mis des fleurs en papier. (I put paper flowers)

Sur mon sapin, oui ! (On my pine tree, yes!)
Sur mon sapin, oui ! (On my pine tree, yes!)
Et des guirlandes dorées. (and golden garlands)

Fleurs de papier, (paper flowers)
Rubans dorés, (golden ribbons)
Sur mon sapin de Noël.(
On my Christmas tree)

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