Friday, April 1, 2016

Week 30 (March, 28th  to April, 1st):

This week, we learned…

Kindergarten :
We learned new words and reviewed previous ones in order to prepare to understand a new story, "Demain je te mangerai" (Tomorrow, I will eat you) : le Petit Chaperon Rouge (Little Red Riding Hood), le loup (wolf), la Maman loup (Mum wolf), le bois / la forêt (wood/forest), les cochons (pigs), le chasseur (hunter), la chèvre (goat), le chevreau (young goat/kid), la maison (house).

1st grade :
We started to answer a new question : “Tu habites où?” (Where do you live?), and guessed : à la mer (by the seaside), en ville (in a city), à la campagne (in countryside), à la montagne (in the mountains), dans une maison(in a house), dans un appartement (in an apartment).

2nd  grade:
We reviewed the question : “Tu habites où?” (Where do you live?), and learned : à la mer (by the seaside), en ville (in a city), à la campagne (in countryside), à la montagne (in the mountains), dans une maison(in a house), dans un appartement (in an apartment).

Homework due on Monday, April 4th: Learn 3 sentences about things you like or you don’t like to do during recess time: “Pendant la récréation, j’aime/je n’aime pas…” (for example, « Pendant la récréation, j’aime sauter à la corde » or « Pendant la récréation, je n’aime pas jouer au ballon »).
Homework due on Thursday, April 7th: Complete document “Tu habites où?

3rd  grade:
We continued to answer question : “Tu habites où?” (Where do you live?), and guessed : à la mer (by the seaside), en ville (in a city), à la campagne (in countryside), à la montagne (in the mountains). We also learned : J’habite dans une maison (I live in a house), J’habite dans un appartement (I live in an apartment).

Homework due on Tuesday, April 5th: Complete document “Tu habites où?”

Homework due on Friday, April 8th: No homework

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