Friday, April 29, 2016

Week 34 (April, 25th to April, 29th):

This week, we learned…

Kindergarten :
We learned five new words : un paresseux (a sloth), un arbre (a tree), une feuille (a leaf), le jour (day), la nuit (night), and we read a new story « Lentement, lentement, lentement dit le paresseux » (Slowly, slowly, slowly said the sloth), by Eric Carle.

1st grade :
We started to learn what a child has in his bedroom:  les jouets (toys), un bureau (a desk), les murs (walls), une chaise (a chair), un coffre (a box, a trunk), un lit (a bed). We realized we already know many words!

2nd  grade:
We started to learn what a child has in his bedroom:  les jouets (toys), un bureau (a desk), les murs (walls), une chaise (a chair), un coffre (a box, a trunk), un lit (a bed). We realized we already know many words!

Homework due on Monday, May 2nd : Be able  to spell 6 words : “ une chambre” (a bedroom), “une salle de bains” (a bathroom), “une salle à manger” (a dining-room), “un salon” ( a living-room), “une cuisine” (a kitchen), “un jardin” (a yard).
Homework due on Thursday, May 5th : Know 3 words :  un coffre (a chest), des jouets (toys), un lit (a bed)

3rd grade:
We continued to learn what a child has in his bedroom:  les jouets (toys), un bureau (a desk), les murs (walls), une chaise (a chair), un coffre (a box, a trunk), un lit (a bed).

We also learned a new song “Il était un petit homme” (Once upon a time a little man):

ll était un petit homme,      (Once upon a time a little man)
Pirouette, cacahuète          (Spin, peanut – no meaning, only a fun rhyme)
Il était un petit homme,     
(Once upon a time a little man)
Qui avait une drôle de maison {x2}     (Had a funny house)

Sa maison est en carton,    (His house is made of cardboard)
Pirouette, cacahuète          ((Spin, peanut)
Sa maison est en carton,    (His house is made of cardboard)
Les escaliers sont en papier {x2}    (Stairs are made of paper)

Homework due on Tuesday, May 3nd : Be able to spell 6 words : “ une chambre” (a bedroom), “une salle de bains” (a bathroom), “une salle à manger” (a dining-room), “un salon” ( a living-room), “une cuisine” (a kitchen), “un jardin” (a yard).
Homework due on Friday, May 6th : Know 3 words :  un coffre (a chest), des jouets (toys), un lit (a bed)

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