Friday, April 22, 2016

Week 33 (April, 18th  to April, 22nd ):

This week, we learned…

Kindergarten :
Here is the link for our new song “Promenons-nous dans les bois” (Let’s wander in the woods):

“Promenons-nous dans les bois  (Let’s wander in the woods)
Pendant que le loup n’y est pas (when the wolf is not there)
S’il y était, il nous mangerait (If he was there, he would eat us)
Mais comme il n’y est pas, il ne nous mangera pas (but as he is not, he will not eat us)
Loup y es-tu?(Wolf, where are you?)
Que fais-tu? (what are you doing?)
Entends-tu? (Can you hear us?)
[Wolf answers:] Je mets ma chemise (I put my shirt)”

1st grade :
We learned a new song “Il était un petit homme” (Once upon a time a little man):

ll était un petit homme,      (Once upon a time a little man)
Pirouette, cacahuète          (Spin, peanut – no meaning, only a fun rhyme)
Il était un petit homme,     
(Once upon a time a little man)
Qui avait une drôle de maison {x2}                       (Had a funny house)

Sa maison est en carton,    (His house is made of cardboard)
Pirouette, cacahuète          ((Spin, peanut)
Sa maison est en carton,    (His house is made of cardboard)
Les escaliers sont en papier {x2}    (Stairs are made of paper)
2nd  grade:
We continued to learn the different rooms in a house: la cuisine (kitchen), la chambre (bedroom), la salle de bains (bathroom), le salon (sitting-room), la salle à manger (dining-room), le jardin (backyard).

Homework due on Monday, April 25th : Know 3 words : “ une chambre” (a bedroom), “une salle de bains” (a bathroom), “une salle à manger” (a dining-room)
Homework due on Thursday, April 28th : Know 3 words :  “un salon” ( a living-room), “une cuisine” (a kitchen), “un jardin” (a yard)

3rd  grade:
We started to learn what a child has in his bedroom:  les jouets (toys), un bureau (a desk), les murs (walls), une chaise (a chair), un coffre (a box, a trunk), un lit (a bed). We realized we already know many words!

Homework due on Tuesday, April 26th  : Know 3 words : “ une chambre” (a bedroom), “une salle de bains” (a bathroom), “une salle à manger” (a dining-room)

Homework due on Thursday, April 29th : Know 3 words :  “un salon” ( a living-room), “une cuisine” (a kitchen), “un jardin” (a yard)

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