Friday, April 8, 2016

Week 31 (April, 4th  to April, 8th ):

This week, we learned…

Kindergarten :
We read a new story “Demain, je te mangerai” (Tomorrow, I will eat you) by Eric Ramadier, and learned 5 adjectives : “grand” (tall), “gros” (big), petit (small), pretty (joli), laid (ugly). We started learning a new song “Promenons-nous dans les bois” (Let’s wander in the woods).

1st grade :
We reviewed “J’habite à la mer” (I live by the seaside), “en ville “(in a city), “à la campagne” (in countryside), “à la montagne” (in the mountains), “dans une maison”(in a house), “dans un appartement” (in an apartment), and started to learn the different rooms in a house.

2nd  grade:
We reviewed “J’habite à la mer” (I live by the seaside), “en ville “(in a city), “à la campagne” (in countryside), “à la montagne” (in the mountains), “dans une maison”(in a house), “dans un appartement” (in an apartment), and started to learn the different rooms in a house.

Homework due on Monday, April 11th: Learn how to spell “à la montagne” (in the mountains), “dans un appartement” (in an apartment), “dans une maison” (in a house).
Homework due on Thursday, April 14th: Learn how to spell “à la campagne” (by the countryside), “à la mer” (by the seaside), “en ville” (in a city).

3rd  grade:
We started to learn the different rooms in a house: la cuisine (kitchen), la chambre (bedroom), la salle de bains (bathroom), le salon (sitting-room), la salle à manger (dining-room), le jardin (backyard).

Homework due on Tuesday, April 12th: Learn how to spell une maison, un appartement, la ville, la campagne, la mer, la montagne.

Homework due on Friday, April 15th: Be able to answer (written answer) : “J’habite dans une maison”, “J’habite dans un appartement”, “J’habite à la montagne”, “J’habite à la campagne”, “J’habite en ville”, “J’habite à la mer”(written work).

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